Resource Inventories
Kachemak Bay Snow Survey
There are two snow courses in the Homer area, one with four sites on the north side of Kachemak Bay and three on the south side. Homer SWCD conducted sampling on the sites requested by NRCS and Alaska Power Authority. This information verifies Sno-tel information transmitted by satellite, of particular importance because the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Dam is highly dependant on snow pack in the watershed above the dam. Homer SWCD recently constructed a new site at the headwaters of the Anchor Rive to help determine the impact of late snowmelt run-off on the rising temperature of Anchor River.
Colter Creek Juvenile Salmon Inventory
Partnering with the NFWF, students have helped Wasilla SWCD staff trap and count juvenile salmon at various locations along Colter Creek, above and below culverts to establish baseline data on fish populations in the creek and assess possible impacts of stream culverts. Chinook salmon were identified for the first time in that creek. The project also served as a unique opportunity for students to gather useful data on fish populations.
Copper Valley and Valdez Snow Surveys
Kenny Lake SWCD has assisted NRCS with monthly snow surveys for the past four years in the Copper Valley and Valdez. Because NCS require two people do the surveys for safety reasons, the Kenny Lake SWCD district manager is an essential partner in effectively gathering the data. The survey sites include Valdez, the Thompson Pass area and the Tonsina and Tazlina drainages of the Copper River.